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...you could travel without ever having to go back to a job

...you would wake up excited because you love the day ahead

...you were setting up your own schedule everyday, organising work around your life and having time to do more of the things you love

...you were making an income by doing something you love and helping people


...you were surrounded by a community of people having big dreams like you

...you had daily support on the way to your goals by driven people who also want more from life

...you would finally stop procrastinating, get shit done and make an online business your full time income

Sounds too good to be true?
It's not, if you have the right business and mindset



- you feel there's more to life than the 9-5, you feel unfulfilled in what you do and don't want to stay where you are now for the rest of your life

- your bucket list of places to see and things to do is so long, but you're stuck in one place for a job

- you love to travel but are forced to end your trips to go back to work, living in the 'work, save, travel, repeat cycle'

- you have passions and hobbies and loved ones but not enough time for it all

- most people around you don't understand your inner hunger for more and tell you to 'just settle'

- you live pay check to pay check and making sacrifices to save money


- you are more than ready for a change

- you are going to put time, effort and work into your business

- you need to know where to start and you're looking for guidance along the way

If this is you, then our training is the perfect solution for you



We are a bunch of normal people who realised there must be more to life than what we've been taught growing up and who have found their passion and future in running an online business that helps other people and the planet. 

'Go to school, study, get a degree, go to work until retirement' - that can't be it.

We believe in a bigger vision where people get to live out their full potential, grow into the best version of themselves, go to places where they thrive and do things for a living they truly enjoy.

And most importantly: live a life in freedom and abundance.


We want to not only show you that the lifestyle you want is possible but also give you access to the training, support and tools needed that help everyday people start and run their own online business.

You'll get a full blueprint to starting your biz all the way to turning it into your full time income with guidance and support along the way.

We show you how working with the right purposeful products and advertising through social media without having to chase people can lead to amazing results in your biz and changes in your lifestyle.

If you're ready for it, we're ready for you!

exactly what you've been looking for? Check the video for more

You Got Invited By:

Jasmin Kupke

My name is Jasmin 26 years old and from Germany.

I grew up and still live in a small town but always wanted to travel and see the world.After spending an exchange year in China and 1½ years Work&Holiday in South Korea I realised that what would really make me happy is being able to travel more without going back and forth with my job in Germany.

To be able to become the happiest version of myself I needed to find a way to work while traveling and with this online business I can not only work from anywhere but even help other people to achive their dreams.
Meet Your Host:

Annika Jahnke

Hey! I'm Annika, half German, half Norwegian, based in Australia, feeling home everywhere!

The travel bug got me at an early age when I was 19 years old and travelled to Australia for the first time on a working holiday visa, followed by volunteering through Asia.

To make an end to job hopping and become a Digital Nomad I started selling my favourite products online. Today I live in Australia working from my laptop with huge travel plans ahead. I know there are SO many other freedom enthusiasts out there and I want to help as many of you as possible breaking away from the system and living your life to its full potential by being your very own online boss.
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